Sa velikom tugom objavljujemo da je 20. avgusta 2022. godine preminula naša saradnica SVETLANA POPOV, potpredsednica i jedna od osnivačica Udruženja Jednake mogućnosti. Svetlana je bila i ostala pravi istinski primer i inspiracija za sve članove i članice Udruženja, naša draga drugarica i prijateljica, saradnica i neumorna borkinja i u ličnom i poslovnom životu. Uspomena na nju protkana je kroz sve aktivnosti našeg Udruženja i ostaće i dalje u svima nama koji smo je poznavali, radili sa njom i duboko je poštovali.
About us
NGO “Equal Opportunities” is organization established with the goal to facilitate equal access for both women and men in using modern information and communication technologies (Info-Communication Techology – ICT)
How we started
NGO Equal Opportunities was formed from a work team for gender equality in telecommunications, which was created according to decision of Federal Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications in 2001
Become a member of NGO "Equal Opportunities"
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Panel discussion “Gender Equality In Building Up IS”
Panel discussion "Gender Equality In Building Up Information Society" was held on April 6, 2006 at the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering in Belgrade... Read more
Gender equality quotes
Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance.
I will feel equality has arrived when we can elect to office women who are as incompetent as some of the men who are already there.
Recent projects
Project “Digital and Entrepreneurial Skills for Women in Rural Areas”

Most women in rural areas do not possess the necessary knowledge to help them improve their socio-economic life. Through the project “Digital and Entrepreneurial Skills for Women in Rural Areas“, they will have the chance to move through economic and social empowerment and opportunity to develop their digital and entrepreneurial skills.
Research on the role of ICT-related knowledge and women’s labor market situation

Study “Research on the role of ICT-related knowledge and women’s labor market situation” was created as a part of the project of the same name started in 2014 by Ministry of labour, employment and social policy and within activities of National Action Plan (NAP) for implementation of National Strategy for Improving the Position of Women and Promotion of Gender Equality.
Project “Comparative study of relevant business equal opportunities practices”

February 6th 2014 at Aero Club in Belgrade, within the project “Comparative study of relevant business equal opportunities practices”, a Round table was held and attended by more than 50 participants. This project of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy and Gender Equality Directorate is supported by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
Project “Women in science and technology: challenges, opportunities and the way forward” continued

NGO “Equal Opportunities” continued implementation of the project “Women in science and technology: challenges, opportunities and the way forward”, with the support of Centre for the Promotion of Science and Institute Mihajlo Pupin, through two Round tables and data collection for the subsequent development of database of women scientists in the world, originally from Serbia.