Association “Equal Opportunities” has collaborated on several projects with Centre for the Promotion of Science (Serbia), during the period June-December 2011.
Project “Digital women entrepreneurs of Serbia”
The project “Digital women entrepreneurs of Serbia” aims to contribute to employment opportunities and self employment of women, empowering them with new knowledge and skills necessary to actively join in the conduct of business, establishing their own business or seeking employment. Project is funded by the Department for Digital Agenda and it started in October 2011.
National action plan for advancing gender equality
Project: Production of National action plan for improving life of women and advancing gender equality, area: Participation of women in public life and politics. Project supported by UNDP and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in 2009.
Database of 1500 women experts in Serbia
The purpose of the project “Database of 1500 women experts in Serbia” is to present an impressive database of educated and experienced women professionals. Project is implemented by organizations “Women’s Government” and “Equal Opportunities”, and supported by National Investment Plan (NIP) in 2008.
Online course “Gender equality”
The first and only gender equality online course in Serbian / Croatian / Bosnian language. Project supported by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
Project “The return of women to the labour market”
EC Project “The return of women to the labour market – training program for unemployed women” was intended for unemployed women between 35 to 55 years of age from Belgrade, who wanted to return to the labour market, improve their work quality and their professions. Project completed 2006-2007 in cooperation with CSO Center for Democracy Foundation.
Project “Info-communication for nurses”
Project supported by ICT private sector in 2006.
Project “To work…”
Computer training for 13 unemployed women, project supported by Novi Beograd Community in 2006.
Project “Gender Equality In Building Up Information Society”
Fund for an Open Society and NGO “Equal Opportunities” signed a project financial support contract: Gender Equality In Building Up Information Society. Project was implemented from 1st December 2005 to 30th April 2006. Panel discussion “Gender Equality In Building Up Information Society – Guidelines, checklists and proposals for initiating of projects in the implementation process of NSIS in Serbia” was held on April 6, 2006 at the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering in Belgrade.
Panel discussion “Gender Equality In Building Up Information Society”
Panel discussion “Gender Equality In Building Up Information Society – Guidelines, checklists and proposals for initiating of projects in the implementation process of NSIS in Serbia” was held on April 6, 2006 at the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering in Belgrade.