Research on the role of ICT-related knowledge and women’s labor market situation

Research on the role of ICT-related knowledge and women’s labor market situation

Study “Research on the role of ICT-related knowledge and women’s labor market situation” was created as a part of the project of the same name started in 2014 by Ministry of labour, employment and social policy and within activities of National Action Plan (NAP) for implementation of National Strategy for Improving the Position of Women and Promotion of Gender Equality.

Project “Comparative study of relevant business equal opportunities practices”

Project “Comparative study of relevant business equal opportunities practices”

February 6th 2014 at Aero Club in Belgrade, within the project “Comparative study of relevant business equal opportunities practices”, a Round table was held and attended by more than 50 participants. This project of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy and Gender Equality Directorate is supported by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

Project “Women in science and technology: challenges, opportunities and the way forward” continued

Project “Women in science and technology: challenges, opportunities and the way forward” continued

NGO “Equal Opportunities” continued implementation of the project “Women in science and technology: challenges, opportunities and the way forward”, with the support of Centre for the Promotion of Science and Institute Mihajlo Pupin, through two Round tables and data collection for the subsequent development of database of women scientists in the world, originally from Serbia.

Project “Women in science and technology”

Project “Women in science and technology”

Project “Women in science and technology” was organized by NGO “Equal Opportunities” with the support of Centre for the Promotion of Science and Institute Mihajlo Pupin. The project was delivered through three Round tables with the goal to open the discussion on women in science and technology with the special focus on motivating high school girls to choose technical professions.

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